Location: 1135 13th St. (Alley behind the Fox Theatre on The Hill)
Photos: Peter Kowalchuk + Just B
About the Artists
Giovannie JUST InSpire
Giovannie aka “Just” is a first-generation Jamaican-American born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. “Like most young black kids, I thought my only way to success was to be an athlete or an entertainer of some sort.” Giovannie chose to end his childhood dream and lifelong football career (at 23 years-old) in 2013, leading him on an internal journey to find himself and his place in this world. Thus, his journey as a muralist began on the walls of Phoenix, AZ in 2018. “At almost 30 years old, I finally found my calling” (2020).”
When he first began making art (having lived in LA, Phoenix, and Seattle) Giovannie noticed that there was not enough black art on walls in the streets of the West Coast. Little did he know, in 2020, he would be one of the few black muralists to start to change that.
Today and everyday, Giovannie is proud to be a black man in America with art as his form of activism and protest. Specializing in portraiture, he uses walls to change the narrative, telling his own and others’ stories, bringing people together, raising awareness and discussion, empowering the youth, and ‘saving the world one mural at a time’ through beautiful and powerful art. “We are capable of anything and I want our future generations to have that impression on who we are as black people in America”
A.L. Grime
"Ally Grimm, aka A.L. Grime, is a Denver-based creative who delves into the realms of masculine versus feminine, nature versus machinery and logic versus emotion. Her work examines life in a technological era by juxtaposing the human experience with digital analysis. She stretches the dichotomy of female and masculine energies while simultaneously bringing equilibrium through calculated, emotion-driven patterns.
The hyper-masculine world that has been systematically build around us through consumption and status has bound humanity in it’s cold, rigid grip. A.L. Grime strives to bring balance by using her creations to depict feminine spirit emerging through the concrete grid. An essence fighting to bridge the gap between technology and spirituality through an aggressive return to emotion. Her pieces strategically utilize the imprisoning matrix to set free the indescribable elements of the human experience."
Thank you to the Fox Theater for hosting this mural and to the Boulder Arts Commission for supporting this project.
Listen to the Artist Statement and mural story