Street Wise Education Programs aim to foster the next generation of artists, activists, and community leaders. Using a framework of artist mentorship to facilitate student work in public spaces, students explore awareness of social issues and how to use street art as a platform while building community, collaboration, and mutual respect.
In 2024, Street Wise served over 1400 students from 18 different schools with mural programs, artist residencies, artist talks, mural tours and community engagement events.
Semester-long mural Intensives and other arts-focused classes including digital arts, studio exploration, and more. Professional artists lead and mentor students through a collaborative group project.
6-8 week sessions for K-12. Programs are tailored to age group and focus on themes including:
Mural Class: Students design and paint a large-scale mural (on a wall or panels as resources allow)
Street Art Studio: An exploration of street style in different art forms
Single-day format workshops, including our popular Spray Painting Class. Learn the techniques of spray paint from master spray paint artists and gain confidence and skills to add to your artist tool kit. This workshop is great for ages 9 and up. Includes spray paint and materials.
Artist or docent-led tours in Boulder featuring murals created during our annual Street Wise Mural Festival and other partner projects. Learn the stories behind the projects and experience murals with augmented reality through the ARTivive App. These tours run approximately 1.5-2 hours and we will walk 1-2 miles.
Hear from professional artists on topics such as the Business of Art, the Artist’s Journey, and Bringing Augmented Reality to the 2D Mural World. Panels usually include 3-5 artists and a moderator hosted in Boulder or at your school or venue.
Book an artist to present their work or lecture on a specific topic. For example, hear from an artist about graphic design for board sports, or using your art for community, social, and environmental impact.