This mural project was made possible by the hard work and dedication of artist, Anna Charney, the vision and planning of And Art Space, Boulder's Public Art Coordinator, Mandy Vink and Josh Benedict of Boulder Parks and Rec. After months of work, we are so happy to finally have Denver based artist, Anna Charney's new mural completed! Inspired by the concepts of space and perspective, Anna creates movement through visual fields using pattern work and a variety of paint techniques.
"I’ve always been a painter, but only recently did I expand my practice into street art and mural work. I picked up a can of spray paint for the first time in September 2016 when I did a mural for Colorado Crush in Denver. I had an amazing time completing the mural on the underpass, everyone from the community who stopped by on the underpass was so friendly and appreciative, and I’m really happy with the how the wall turned out." - Anna Charney
Follow Anna on instagram: @annacharneyart See more of Anna's studio work here:
Big thanks to City of Boulder Office of Arts and Culture for their support in this project and to our photography partners on this project, Dark Canyon Photography and Forde Photography.