2016 “I Have a Dream”
The Kalmia neighborhood is part of the section 8 housing community run by Boulder Housing Partners. The community was renovated in 2016. It contains 49 apartments that is home to many families. We we're asked to help create a mural in the new community room that would be a central place for gathering, events, education and other activities.
We commissioned Artist, Anthony Garcia Sr. for the project. Garcia met with some of the neighborhood kids to find out more about what was inspiring for them and what they envisioned for the mural. Anthony took inspiration from the kids who were very excited about space and science and were optimistic about the future. This project was also partially funded by the I Have A Dream Foundation as well as our clients Boulder Housing Partners.
Anthony Garcia Sr. is the founder of Birdseed Collective, a Globeville native, acclaimed studio and street artist, father and community leader.