Deep Space Drive-In created some epic digital projections for the 2022 Street Wise Festival! The team of Travis Powell and Geoff Dohrmann stayed busy during the fest, projecting on the Colorado Building, collaborating with muralists to project on various murals around town, and showing original projections at the Street Wise Art Party.
When collaborating with muralists, DSDI seeks to work with the artists to understand the motivations and meaning of their work. Travis and Geoff match visuals to the mural's aesthetics and build their projections around the mural's theme.
DSDI started out projection mapping in a guerilla street style, rigging a shopping cart with their gear to make travel quick and easy. Now that they're working on more legit projects, the team has upgraded to using solid frames and larger projectors, usually relying on a vehicle to project from. ⠀
Murals like Kendall Kippley's on the West End Plaza building require DSDI to project from a higher vantage point and thus to lug their gear up multiple flights of stairs. Luckily, murals by Koco Collab and A.L. Grime were projected on from the ground level. DSDI can adjust to project from anywhere.
DSDI's goal is to change the way people experience art and to create unique experiences that draw viewers in, revealing possibilities for collaboration and augmenting reality. Travis and Geoff seek to create one-of-a-kind projections that typically only happen once. These unique projections keep DSDI striving to create and innovate. ⠀
About the Artists:
Deep Space Drive-In is a Denver-based multimedia design company founded by Travis Powell and Geoffrey Dohrmann. They are focused on immersive experiential design, augmented reality, social activism, and community outreach.
DSDI projection mapping on Kendall Kippley’s mural at West End Plaza, September 30, 2022
DSDI projection mapping at the Street Wise Art Party, October 1, 2022
DSDI projection mapping on A.L. Grime’s mural at Boulder Furniture Arts, October 2, 2022
DSDI projection mapping on Koco Collab’s mural at Boulder Furniture Arts, October 2, 2022