Location: 2525 13th St. (west facing wall of parking structure)
Photos: Peter Kowalchuk + Eric Patzer
Overdose Awareness Murals
Street Wise has partnered with Boulder County Community Services with two local artists- Kaila Spencer and Jason Graves to paint a mural dedicated to the vision of the County’s Substance Use Advisory Group: a community wide shared leadership group with the overarching goals toreduce stigma around Substance Use Disorders, reduce overdoses and fatalities and support resiliency in recovery.
Mural Statement
“Forget-Me-Nots” is a mural created in dedication to those lost to Substance Use Disorders as well as those who are still here, struggling with substance abuse. It is about seeing the light in the dark, the brightest stars in the darkest night, and pushing on. The stars are both symbolic of those no longer with us, and also of the hope that drives those who are still here. This mural was created in partnership with the Boulder Substance Advisory Group and Clinica Boulder who work to educate and reduce harm in the community around substance use. Having lost several dear friends to opioid addiction myself, this project was very meaningful to me and a wonderful opportunity to remember them. I included forget-me-not flowers for the community members no longer here, little blue reminders that our loved ones are always with us. The circular geometry around the subject represents an inner strength that radiates outward from within all beings because everyone is worth recovery.
Thank you to our partners and sponsors on these murals, Boulder County Community Services.