Location: 627 S. Broadway St.
Photos: Peter Kowalchuk
“There's No Place Like Home”
Mural Statement
Katy’s mural is based off of the inescapable resemblance of the silo to a rocket... It celebrates the sacred elements of fire, air, earth and water - the four basic ingredients required for life as we know it, hug and wrap around the rocket/silo. At each plane-change on the surface, the elements become reflected, distorted, and discolored, symbolizing the destruction that happens when we don't take care of and respect them.
This happens at both the top and the bottom of the silo because, as humans, we must choose to be a creator and protector of life or a destroyer and if we do not choose, we are a destroyer by default. The portholes show images of earth as if looking back at it from space. One earth is seen as beautiful and pristine and the other is mostly brown and clearly destroyed.
About the Artist
I am an artist, muralist, creative place-maker, and permaculturist based out of Centennial, Colorado. My mission is to cultivate joy and vitality by connecting people to each other and to the land where we live, work, and play. My work and media varies wildly because I love to continuously explore, but I mostly paint murals, build site-specific installations (like sculptures but also including food forests, polyculture veggie gardens, and wildscapes), and create wooden wall sculptures based on patterns that I find in the garden or in the wild.
My pieces are usually bright, technologically-aided abstractions that bring to light typically unperceived natural patterns and structures. They are bridges between technology and nature like microscopic views of botanical structures that are enlarged, abstracted, and reassembled.
I am also called to build community through art. Thus, I strive to create pieces that are physically, intellectually, and spiritually interactive, as this increases the transformative impact of the art on the people, the place, and ultimately the planet. I see the solution to sustainability in permaculture design and regenerative living so I always strive to connect my artistic work to these concepts.
To The Southern Sun for hosting and sponsoring this mural!
Listen to the Artist Statement and mural story