Location: 2691 30th St.
Photos: Peter Kowalchuk + Shanna Fortier
About the Artists
We are a group of four women who have been working together making large scale fiber art installations, murals, and sculptures since 2007 to add an unexpected touch of rainbow in the unlikeliest places. We believe we all have an ability to craft our ideal world and we hope our art inspires others and reminds them that they can do the same.
All of our work is crochet-centric, ranging from stitched 3D installations to painted 2D murals. We make our 2D murals by crocheting oversized doilies ranging from 6" to 5' in diameter, stretched tightly over hoops to create unique fiber art stencils. This technique allows us to bring our 3D craft to life in a new dimension.
What we love is bringing an unexpected medium- crochet- out into a public sphere. We love seeing people realize that our art is made from something they're familiar with from their home life, or another non-museum setting.
Our story began in a Petri dish in 2007 when a mad scientist, bent on taking over the world, accidentally created us. Unbeknownst to him, our hive mind had a plan of it's own - to cover the streets with rainbow vomit crochet! Knowing the world couldn't handle more than four of us, we devoured our creator in one gulp and destroyed the lab. In the decade plus that has passed since we made our escape, we have honed in our fiber art skills and have grown into a diabolic art hydra capable of putting together 2D and 3D murals and installations, large-scale projects, international art shows.
Basically, we are four bat-shit crazy best friends who found our art outlet and Colorado welcomed our weird with open arms. We started with small scale yarn bombs on light posts and bike racks and very quickly realized we needed to keep one up-ing ourselves, Bigger ideas and executions kept developing and here we are nearly 12 years later consistently growing our narratives and welcoming new creatures into our family.
Also, we're fun at parties.
Listen to the Artist Statement and mural story